
Epileptal 50 mg

ATC groups: Nervous system INN: Nimesulide Measure, pack: tab. 100 mg №10, tab. 100 m ...

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Estezyfin is used for topical treatment of fungal infections of the skin and skin folds ...

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Без рецепта

Eucazolin® Aqua

Eucazolin Aqua spray is used for symptomatic treatment of nasal congestion caused by co ...

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Без рецепта

Euphyllinum – N 200

ATC groups: Respiratory system INN: Theophylline Measure, pack:solution for inj. 5ml ...

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ATC groups: Nervous system INN: Cinnarizine, Piracetam Measure, pack: сap. 400 mg/25 ...

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Fakel 100 mg

Fakel® is recommended for men with erectile dysfunction, which is defined as the inabil ...

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Fakel 50 mg

Fakel® is recommended for men with erectile dysfunction, which is defined as the inabil ...

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ATC groups: Sensory organs INN: Dexamethasone Measure, pack: eye drops 1mg/ml, 5ml, 1 ...

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