100 років якості Farmak
Jan 03, 2020

Eco-School became a finalist of the Partnership for Sustainability Award 2019

Farmak was granted a finalist award by the UN Global Compact Network for the Eco-School project

The Partnership for Sustainability Award 2019 is an international competition of partnership projects held among different organizations to achieve sustainable development goals, which is initiated by the UN Global Compact Local Network in Ukraine.

Eco-School by Farmak has become a finalist in the Planet category along with the projects by such well-known Ukrainian and foreign companies as Coca-Cola, Auchan Retail Ukraine, PepsiCo Ukraine, Klitschko Foundation, METRO Cash&Carry Ukraine etc.

The projects were presented in 4 nominations: People, Planet, Prosperity and Peace. They are the result of the partnership between business and the public sector, local authorities, public authorities, educational institutions. More than 80 cases from 4 countries were received this year!

The best cases were presented at the awards ceremony.

“It is important for Farmak to make the treatment with modern and effective medicinal products possible. That is the core of our mission. In the realm of environmental and energy efficient issues, we take the same approach – to use all available technologies to minimize the impact on the environment. For 9 months of 2019, electricity consumption decreased by 9.32%; gas – by 19.49% per hryvnia of output compared to the same period of 2018. We are also actively involved in environmental education for students. Being aware that the prevention of global environmental problems is possible only after having educated a new eco-conscious society, from September 1, 2019, Farmak has launched the all-Ukrainian educational platform Eco-School. Here every Ukrainian student can learn how to save natural resources for the benefit of nature, besides, they can gather a team of like-minded fellow students and participate in the competition for the best environmental project for their school and win a grant from Farmak for its implementation,” said Olena Zubarieva, Head of Corporate Communication and Sustainable Development Department.

“This year, all international meetings and forums were overtly or covertly discussing the issue of the global demand for business transformation. But some companies have been using “green-washing”, and the new concept “SDG-washing” (Sustainable development goals), essentially making no transformation, but reporting about it. That is why it is important to speak and recognize those companies that are really contributing to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals,” said Tetiana Sakharuk, Chairman of the Board of the UN Global Compact Local Network in Ukraine.

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