100 років якості Farmak
May 13, 2016

Farmak Conducts the First Stage of the 3rd Family Olympics in Shostka

The leader of the pharmaceutical industry of Ukraine, Farmak Company organizes the Family Olympics in Shostka for the third year in a row. The semifinal competition was held on May 9, then, they identified 12 families who got through to the final round.

The Farmak Company implements a production complex construction project in Shostka town. About 90% of employees are local residents. For them and for locals in general, Farmak offers a number of social initiatives. One of these initiatives is a holiday – the Family Olympics, which is a traditional event conducted by Farmak for Shostka residents.

The first stage of the Family Olympics took place in the central square. Families having children aged 7 to 13 years were invited to participate. In total, 24 families took part in the event. Families eagerly strived to be shortlisted. The program comprised three rallies: "Football", "Basketball" and "Rugby". As a result, 12 winning families were identified, who will compete for the title of most sporting Shostka family in the Olympics final round. Fans and residents actively supported the teams.

Nina Syvayeva, Deputy Head of Shostka Mayor: "We are particularly grateful to the Farmak Company and its Director General Philya I. Zhebrovska for organization of that event in our town. It has become a good tradition for Shostka."

Oleksandr Senchenko, President of the Family Sports Association of Ukraine: "Family sport is not only improves health but also unites the family. We are happy that Farmak Company and the town administration support this initiative. Parents exemplify to their children, how important is to play sports and lead a healthy lifestyle. The number of fans and teams shows that it is really important and exciting".

The final event will be held on September 3, 2016

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