100 років якості Farmak
Sep 18, 2013

Farmak JSC expands Corvalol product line

A leader of domestic pharmaceutical market, Farmak JSC has expanded its Corvalol sedative line with launching of Corvalol N Drops of mild sedative effect.

Farmak JSC has been manufacturing the original Corvalol for virtually half a century, continuously expanding the product line. Thus, in early 2013 the Company introduced to the market Corvalol tablets. In early autumn this year Corvalol N Drops (25 ml), a new product, was added to the manufacturer’s pharmaceutical products portfolio.

Oksana Stepanchuk, Marketing Consultant of Farmak OTC Product Marketing Department says, “Corvalol N Drops have mild sedative effect and reduce manifestations of stress and nervous tension. The medicine composition includes ethyl ether of α-bromoisovaleric acid, peppermint oil, and hop oil.

The medicine is recommended for neurosis with increased irritability, enterospasm, mild coronary vessel spasm, tachycardia, and complex therapy of arterial hypertension and vegetovascular dystonia”.

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