100 років якості Farmak
Jan 05, 2015

Farmak launched Pshik, a new medicinal product, at the market

Farmak continues extending a line of nasal products. Thus, a new product, Pshik nasal spray (100 ml), is added to the Company’s portfolio.

The medicinal product is recommended for:

– Combined treatment and prophylaxis of acute respiratory diseases, acute respiratory viral infections, and cold, cleansing of nasal mucosa from malignant bacteria and viruses and relief of the patient’s state;

– Relief of the patient’s state in case of acute and chronic nasopharynx inflammatory disease, accessory sinuses of nose and nasal cavity of different aetiology (rhinitis, sinusitis);

– Daily moistening of nasal mucosa to maintain its protective physiological properties in case of extreme air dryness;

– Removal of allergens from nasal mucosa;

– Reduction of local inflammatory process in nasal mucosa.

Pshik, a seawater-based medicinal product*, is manufactured in three dosage forms:  Pshik for children, Pshik for adults and Pshik hypertonic.

The medicinal product may be used by the pregnant women, women during lactation period and newly-born children.

For reference

* Pshik, a nasal spray is based on  the sea water produced  from  Gullmarsfjorden, 25 km in length , located in southern Switzerland coast, wherefrom  the water is drawn from the depth of 32 meter below sea level.

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