100 років якості Farmak
Feb 05, 2020

Farmak is the first Ukrainian pharmaceutical company to sign the Memorandum of Cooperation with the Junior Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

The purpose of the Memorandum is to consolidate the efforts of business and scientific institutions to support talented students and to increase the scientific potential of the country.

The project implementation will open the new opportunities for talented youth, who will be awarded at the all-Ukrainian contests where they will present their research works. The students-members of the Junior Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (JAS) will have an opportunity to be advised by the best experts of Farmak and to carry out laboratory research at the scientific facilities of Farmak. Moreover, the students-members of the JAS will take part in the educational projects of Farmak such as the School of Young Scientist, Farmak_lab and others.

“The science development is a global issue that is under consideration at the international forums and summits. Science is among the strategic growth priorities in developed countries. According to the National Science Foundation, Ukraine ranks 42nd among the countries of the world by indicator “Research and Development” (https://www.nsf.gov/statistics/seind14/). However, according to the Ministry of Education and Science, Ukraine’s share in the total number of world scientific publications (as per Scopus database) remains very low – 0.34%. But the number of publications per USD 1 million, allocated for research and development, exceeds the ratio of more developed countries. In 2017, the ratio in Ukraine amounted to 25.78 articles per USD 1 million, while in Sweden, for example, it is only 2.81 articles. Farmak is sensitive to the responsibility for the scientific future of our country. Researchers are leaving Ukraine. In recent years, the Academy of Sciences has lost a third of young scientists due to poor working conditions and lack of access to the latest equipment. These numbers are impressive. Young people have no interest in doing research work. The brain drain may lead to stagnation of discoveries and development of our country. One of the ambitious goals of this cooperation between Farmak and the JAS is to strengthen the prevention and response to the outflow of talented youth abroad. We also want to support the desire of the JAS members to develop the Ukrainian science. I am sure that each of them will be able to break into the world, making more than one sensational and important breakthrough,” said Volodymyr Kostiuk, Executive Director of JSC “Farmak”.

“Every developed country that cares about its future has strong views on training specialists for science and high technology. In order to become professionals in these industries, the present-day teenagers should obtain thorough business education, learn how to generate new ideas, create original products and solutions. Therefore, the Junior Academy of Sciences of Ukraine finds it important to cooperate with such tech giants as Joint Stock Company “Farmak”. After all, Farmak is not only the leader of the Ukrainian pharmaceutical market, but also a vivid example of innovative and socially responsible business. And today we are excited to join forces to help the Ukrainian students to acquire the necessary skills in order to implement their abilities and talents,” stressed Oksen Lisovyi, Director of the National Center “Junior Academy of Sciences of Ukraine”, Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine in the field of education.




Farmak employs 150 researchers, including 40 candidates of sciences, and 5 doctors of sciences. Farmak invests approximately 95% of its profits in innovation and development annually. This amount also includes a share of investments in the scientific development of the company. Farmak has been holding “The School of Young Scientist” for seven consecutive years, striving for reviving the scientific potential of our country.

Farmak investments in the development of science involve improving material and technical facilities, training employees and contributing to scientific development, evidence base and research. In 2019, 1,100 employees of JSC “Farmak” were trained, 81 of them were trained abroad.

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