100 років якості Farmak
Feb 22, 2016

Book “To Live. Understanding Kyiv” to be presented during the Kyiv Spring – 2016 Book Fair

The Book Fair Kyiv Spring – 2016 will host a charitable Chronicle Marathon to present a unique charity book of memoirs about the capital city "To Live. Understanding Kyiv". The Fair will take place at the Ukrainian House (Kyiv) on February 25-28.

The book "To Live. Understanding Kyiv" is the work of twenty-two authors, the oldest Kyiv residents. It collected honest and fair stories about the Kyiv life in 1930-90s. The publication was initiated by Farmak and Red Cross Society of Podil District of Kyiv city.


During the Marathon, the writer Ivan Drach, actresses Ada Rogovtseva and Larysa Kadochnikova, TV presenter Tatiana Tsymbal, the President of the National League of Professional Boxing of Ukraine Mykhailo Zavyalov and other unique, incredibly interesting Kyivans will share their memories on Kyiv history. 
All proceeds from the book "To Live. Understanding Kyiv" will go the Red Cross Society of Podil District of Kyiv city to support the lonely Kyiv seniors.

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