100 років якості Farmak
Jul 11, 2013

Farmak JSC held the Blood Donor Day

Farmak JSC  has held the Blood Donor Day. During that event which took place on 5 July at Farmak’s first aid office with the support from a mobile team of Kyiv Oblast Blood Center specialists, over 60 Farmak’s employees have donated blood for ill children undergoing treatment at Kyiv Oblast Oncology Center.

Organization of the Blood Donor Day at Farmak  has not affected the production process, because all processes were set up in advance to accommodate absence of blood donors from the workplace. Our Company strictly abides by all requirements of law and gives the donors not only a day off on the blood donation day but also an additional vacation day. For the majority of our donors it was the first experience in blood donation.

Filya Ivanivna Zhebrovska, Farmak General Director, says

‘We are sincerely grateful to everybody who participated in this event! Our employees have once again upheld the Farmak’s motto: We work for you and your health  ! I hope that we’ll be able to hold blood donor days on a regular basis, at least once every six months’.

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