100 років якості Farmak
Dec 11, 2019

On November 15 an active phase of the Educational Platform “Eco-School” by Farmak has started



Training will start for more than 100 students who have signed up, and every student wishing to attend training sessions may join them.

While attending the Eco-School, the students will gain the current knowledge about energy saving, climate changes, biodiversity, and interrelations in nature through the tabletop and active environmental games. They will learn the fundamental principles of project management and develop eco-projects for their schools.

The applications may be submitted to the All-Ukrainian National Environmental Platform Eco-School at ecoschool.com.ua.

Any 6-11 grade student may sign up on the distance learning platform and be trained at Eco-School.

Training sessions will be held remotely. The students will have an opportunity to attend 12 lecture sessions, pass check-up tests and send us the homework. In addition, the interesting webinars involving the best environmental experts of Ukraine will be organized during the academic year.

While attending the Eco-School, the students will gain the current knowledge about energy saving, climate changes, biodiversity, and interrelations in nature through the tabletop and active environmental games. They will learn the fundamental principles of project management and develop eco-projects for their schools.

Those wishing to join the project need to submit an individual application for participation, and later, at their discretion, create a team of school activists, undergo all learning stages, do team homework and submit the environmental project to participate in the competition. The winners will take part in the first environmental festival scheduled for April 2020.

The purpose of the Eco-School project is to unite and create a community of young environmental activists, promote environmentally friendly lifestyle among young people and raise awareness of resource and energy saving.

The financial support will be provided by JSC “Farmak” to three best eco-projects from schools for their implementation. All participants will be awarded presents and certificates from the organizers.

Farmak has been implementing the Eco-School project for two consecutive years During this period, the Eco-School has proved its efficiency. More than 200 students from Kyiv and Shostka were trained and changed their attitude to the environment. They became the ambassadors of environmental culture in Ukraine. Now we want to give such opportunity to all Ukrainian schoolchildren. That’s why Eco-School is becoming available online. Everyone will be able to learn about the current environmental situation and ways to improve their life, school, city, Ukraine. Environmental friendliness has already become a global trend through introducing energy-saving technologies, refraining from using plastic, using alternative energy sources. Farmak as the European company also adheres to the principles of sustainable development. We make the treatment with effective medicinal products possible. We take care of reducing the environmental impact and we are doing our best to improve the environmental situation in Ukraine”, said Olena Zubarieva, Head of External Communications Department of JSC “Farmak”.



Information on the project

The pilot project “Eco-School” was successfully implemented in Shostka, where the API Manufacturing Department of JSC “Farmak” is located. 9 municipal schools joined the project. Within the framework of the project, 8-11 grade students completed 8-month training program on global theoretical environmental issues and learned how to use the gained knowledge in practice. The best projects aimed at solving the environmental problems of a particular school were awarded mini-grants by JSC “Farmak” for their implementation.  The successful launch of the Eco-School project makes it possible to expand it to various parts of Ukraine, involving drivers of the environmental education movement, socially responsible business and, most importantly, non-indifferent, progressive youth of the country. In 2018, the Eco-School project became one of the top 20 social projects in Ukraine.

In 2019, Farmak expanded the Eco-School project and involved 10 schools in Kyiv. A unique manual that embraces the most crucial and important issues the world faces today has been developed for students. The manual “Eco-School” has been approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

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