100 років якості Farmak
Dec 22, 2020

On the occasion of its 95th anniversary Farmak doubled its aseptic manufacturing capacities

Due to the new manufacturing facility, the Company will increase the manufacturing of sterile liquid medicinal products, the demand for which has significantly grown during the pandemic.

The new manufacturing facility is a seven-storey building with over 20 units of main technological equipment and about 100 engineering equipment. It was built from the ground up. The overall investment of this three-year project amounts to EUR 50 million.

The new manufacturing facility is equipped with high-performance lines to manufacture up to 36,000 ampoules, 12,000 vials, 7,500 nebules and 3,600 plastic vials per hour.

The technology of three-dimensional modelling and visualization of building architecture and landscaping applied by Farmak in design for the first time, made it possible to achieve the effect of presence, to objectively assess the advantages of the project and eliminate shortcomings during the design process, as well as to reduce the risk of errors during the project implementation.

Фармак 95 років

“This year Farmak celebrates its 95th anniversary. This is a significant date. Few Ukrainian enterprises can boast of such a history. And we have not only preserved the strategic manufacturing facilities in the most difficult times for the country, but also made the enterprise one of the market leaders, products of which are bought all over the world. Today, Farmak reflects the capabilities of the Ukrainian pharmaceutical industry in the global market as a mirror. We export products to over 25 countries. The Company has succeeded due to hard work and constant development. Over the past five years, manufacturing output has grown by 59%. During this time, we have set up the new API production unit in Shostka, suppositories manufacturing facility, production unit of solid dosage forms, have launched the new packaging lines for solid dosage forms and sachets, and started manufacturing eye suspensions. Realizing that the complex developments are key for the future of pharmaceutical industry, we have launched an innovative R&D complex and research and industrial site for biotechnology. And today, on the occasion of our anniversary, we launch a new manufacturing facility which has already become a tradition. EUR 50 million have been invested in this project. This is an ultra-modern workshop for manufacturing of sterile medicinal products. This manufacturing facility allows us to double the manufacturing capacity for aseptic products. Such medicinal products as Propofol and Dexamethasone, which have recently undergone WHO prequalification, and dozens of other vital medicines that are essential today to overcome the effects of COVID-19 will be manufactured at this facility. We have overcome a lot in 95 years, made a drastic breakthrough in the Company and in the industry in 25 years. The dynamics of our development may be observed in five years, and now the planning horizon at Farmak is 7-10 years. The new challenges, new opportunities, new directions are ahead. Launching of a modern complex is a step into the future, because medicines for a modern person should be manufactured using state-of-the-art high-tech equipment. Ukrainians deserve the best technologies and the best quality, exactly what Farmak offers, creating innovative opportunities for manufacturing of high-quality medicines,” said Filya Zhebrovska, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of JSC Farmak.

Фармак 95 років

Background information about the project:

Investment in the project amounted to EUR 50 million

The project implementation period was three years

Having set up a new manufacturing facility, Farmak doubled its aseptic capacity

It is planned to manufacture the following at new sites:

solutions, emulsions, suspensions for injection in ampoules 1 mL, 2 mL, 3 mL, 5 mL, 20 mL

solutions, emulsions, suspensions for injection in vials 20 mL, 50 mL, 100 mL

inhalation solutions in nebules 2 mL, 4 mL

eye drops in plastic bottles 10 mL

Workshop capacity:

Up to 36,000 pcs/hour in ampoules

Up to 12,000 pcs/hour in vials

Up to 7,500 pcs/hour in nebules (2nd stage)

Up to 3,600 pcs/hour in plastic bottles (2nd stage)

The new workshop will comprise:

three sites

total number of personnel – 136 persons (123 employees, 13 engineers and technicians)

Two sites are expected to start operating next year, the third one in 2022.

3D modelling in which the project was received by Farmak for the first time to speed up the works in general made it possible to quickly eliminate collisions in the tracing of engineering networks, strapping of technological equipment, as well as many controversial issues during installation works.

The new manufacturing facility is equipped with the innovative equipment of the leading global brands

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