100 років якості Farmak
May 31, 2016

The Foster Grandchildren Awarded Silver by KIAF

The Social project of Farmak Company – The Foster Grandchildren was awarded by the Kyiv International Advertising Festival, held in Kyiv on May 26-27.

The Foster Grandchildren got the silver in the following categories: User-Oriented Content in the Visual Story Telling and Use of Alternative and Street Media. Also, the Project entered the shortlist of Integrated Campaign category. It was not the first award of the Foster Grandchildren Project. Thus, this Project was awarded in two competitions: the short-list of the International Festival of Digital Marketing and Communications WOW DONE AWARDS 2016. In the Experimental Marketing category it was ranked second, in the Brand PR-Communications category it was ranked 6th, and took the third places in the Consumer Goods – Health, Beauty and Fashion and Charity categories.

Also, it was listed among winners of the VIII International Festival of Advertising and Marketing "White Square": it hit the shortlist in 2 categories DM Projects / Companies and Image Campaign, and won the silver in the Integrated PR-Campaign category.

Let us recall that the Foster Grandchildren Project was introduced by Farmak in 2015 in honor of its 90th anniversary in conjunction with the Red Cross Society of Podil district of Kyiv city. It aims to improve the living conditions of the elderly and their reintegration into society. The Project was supported by the Department of Culture of the Kyiv City State Administration. Within the Project’ framework, we have published a book of memories of Kyiv residents "To Live. Realizing Kyiv". It was written by 22 metropolitan centenarians who shared memories of Kyiv 30-90s.

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