100 років якості Farmak
Apr 21, 2016

“Foster Grandchildren”, Farmak’s social project, became prizewinner of the “White Square” Festival

Foster Grandchildren, Farmak's social project, became prizewinner of the 8th International Festival of Advertising and Marketing “White Square”. The event was held on 14-16 April in Minsk (Bilorus).

The social project Foster Grandchildren hit the shortlist in 2 categories at the same time: "DM projects / companies" and "Image campaign". It won silver in the category "Integrated PR-campaign".

768 projects from 23 CIS and European countries were presented at the festival.

Projects were assessed by five international judging panels, which included winners of prestigious awards with judging experience at the world's leading advertising festivals, including Cannes Lions.

The White Square is one of the most business-oriented creative festivals. It includes two main blocks: creative competition and business forum to share experience and innovations in marketing and communications areas.

The Foster Grandchildren project was launched by Farmak JSC on its 90th anniversary with the support of Podil district organization of the Red Cross of Ukraine in Kyiv and the Department of Culture of Kyiv City State Administration. The purpose of the project is to draw public attention to the problem of lonely old people and assist them.

The outcome of the project was a book of recollections about the capital city: "To Live. Understanding Kyiv". Its authors were 22 oldest residents of Kyiv.

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