100 років якості Farmak

Jun 14, 2019

Recipe for Sustainable Development of “Farmak”

The article on sustainable development of “Farmak” was published in Focus.

Upon joining the UN Global Compact, the world’s largest corporate social responsibility initiative, JSC “Farmak” became the first pharmaceutical company in our country that proves not by word, but by deed its commitment to main sustainable development goal — improving the living standards of every Ukrainian.

Implementing the principle “Think Globally-Act Locally”, one of the biggest Ukrainian pharmaceutical company became a part of influential global community, which involves more than 9,500 companies from 162 countries. By signing the UN Global Compact, the company confirmed its readiness to comply with 10 main principles in the areas of human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption in order to sustainable and fair socio-economic development. Integrating these indicators of responsible business practice and a reputation for integrity into a company’s value system and public affirmation of their enforcement, JSC “Farmak” demonstrates importance of an open dialogue between the state, business and civil society for the present and future of our country and whole world.

Developed and implemented sustainable development strategy helped not only to transform a small company into an innovative business with its own research complex within the shortest period of time, but also to become one of the biggest Ukrainian manufacturer of modern, quality and affordable medicinal products that save lives and treat the patients from 20 countries. Today the company’s portfolio includes 220 product dossiers, the number of which increases by 20 new medicinal products annually. They are manufactured in full compliance with global quality standards, and some of them are distributed according to national program “Affordable drugs”. In addition, as the biggest taxpayer among domestic pharmaceutical manufacturers, the company provides almost 2,700 Ukrainians with modern, safe and well-paid jobs.

“As a responsible business, we demonstrate by our own example, that changes are both necessary and possible” — said Head of Corporate Communication Department Olena Zubareva. — “And we are going to continue improvements in this regard. Our activities are not interrupted even for a minute. Every day we transform our company, create something new, and all of these impact on the community and whole country. That’s why our projects are designed to change the world for the better. Joining the UN Global Compact at a high international level proves responsibility of “Farmak” and right choice of direction“.

Starting with itself, the company has launched the Green Office Project aimed not only at modernization of technologies in accordance with ecological requirements for emissions minimization, but also at improving environmental awareness of every employee. We perform this project in the most openly manner. Everyone can attend eco excursion to know for sure. It also involves children, to whom the Eco School mini-grants project implemented by “Farmak” in Kyiv and Shostka (Sumy Region) is intended. It includes lectures and practical classes, where school students can learn to be responsible for natural resources and project work.

Sport event “Farmak: Run for Your Health”, organized by “Farmak” since 2017 in Shostka, became a popular social initiative for supporting healthy lifestyle and popularization of sports. Kids competitions “We Are the Champions”, corporate teams on different sports activities and cooperation with Ukrainian Football Association of Medical Doctors prove that human capital of the company is constantly improved. Another confirmation of that is the involvement of 10% of “Farmak” employees in corporate volunteering, from donorship and participation in charity fairs to Clean City Movement aimed at waste disposal and Green City Movement on tree planting. JSC “Farmak” makes its own contribution to the sustainable development of Ukraine by delivering real value for people in the long term and improving living standards to date.



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