100 років якості Farmak
Filya Zhebrovska

Filya Zhebrovska

Chair of the Supervisory Board

Filya Zhebrovska has been chairing the Supervisory Board since June 30, 2017, and was elected for the sixth time on June 14, 2022. Heads the Nomination and Remuneration Committee , and the Audit Committee of the Supervisory Board.

She started her career in Farmak as a Chief Accountant in 1980. She was appointed Deputy Director for Economy and Finance — Chief Accountant in 1990 and promoted to Chief Financial Officer one year later. Ms. Zhebrovska took up the CEO of the Farmak JSC in 1995 and held this position until her election as the Chair of the Supervisory Board.

Under her leadership, Farmak was refocused from the production of active pharmaceutical ingredients to the finished products manufacturing in compliance with international quality standards. Farmak became the leader of the Ukrainian pharmaceutical industry in 2010 due to the chosen business strategy, innovative technological platform, and investment in production and staff. The company has preserved its leadership position till the present day thanks to the high quality of the products and the introduction of innovations. Farmak is one of the largest exporters of pharmaceutical products in Ukraine. Today the company is focused on increasing its footprint in European and world markets.

Filya Zhebrovska is the author of 120 scientific works including one monograph and 100 Ukrainian patents.
Filya Zhebrovska is a graduate of the Kyiv National Economy Institute (today known as the Hetman Kyiv National Economic University), majoring in Economics. She also earned Ph.D. in Economics in 1998.