100 років якості Farmak

Sustainable development

Principles of sustainable development are implemented in all fields of Farmak`s activities and act as the basis of the company’s social activity.

All our projects in the field of sustainable development are aimed at improving the quality of people’s lives, promotion of healthy lifestyle, raising the level of ecological culture, safe work performance, supporting social activity and volunteering among Farmak employees.

Our main task is to create and implement a project that will benefit people in the long run, change consciousness, their values and will form the basis for the development of a strong and independent Ukraine. We contribute to the development of our society.

We are deeply convinced that with joint efforts of the business, government and society, we will be able to realize truly important and necessary projects for Ukrainians. We believe that positive changes begin with a single person. It starts with changes in the consciousness and attitude towards the environment, society, towards ourselves. As a responsible business we show an example that changes are possible and necessary. Over the years, we have been transformed from a single factory into a successful innovation business, market leader and the largest exporter of the industry. We became the largest taxpayer in our field. We are not going to stop here. Our way shall not be interrupted not for a minute. Each day transforms and improves our Company. We create something new and accordingly it affects the society and the country as a whole. Therefore, the projects we create are designed primarily to improve, create and enhance – to change the world for the better.

Key directions of “Farmak’s” projects in the field of sustainable development: