

Gropivirin is an antiviral agent with immunomodulating properties. Used for treatment o ...

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HappyLor (solution)

ATC groups: Respiratory system INN: Hexetidine Measure, pack: solution for mouthwash, ...

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HappyLor (spray)

Hepilor for local treatment of infectious diseases and inflammatory processes of the or ...

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Hondra-Syla capsules

Hondra-Syla capsules are used for treatment of degenerative and dystrophic diseases of ...

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Hondra-Syla heating

Hondra-Syla heating is used in degenerative and dystrophic diseases of joints and spine ...

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Hondra-Syla ointment

Hondra-Syla ointment is used in degenerative and dystrophic diseases of joints and spi ...

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Hydrocortisone Acetas

ATC groups: Systemic hormonal preparations, excluding sex hormones and insulins INN: H ...

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ATC groups: Genito-urinary system and sex hormones INN: Progesterone Measure, pack:so ...

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