100 років якості Farmak

Filya Zhebrovska

Chairman of the Supervisory Board

Dec 26, 2019

Ukraine can become one of the world’s R&D hubs

We are pleased that Ukrainian scientists are among those who advance world science today. Their intellectual work is in demand all over the globe. The best scientific hubs, laboratories and institutes open their doors to welcome our scientists. And it is undoubtedly exciting. Unfortunately, the scientists’ names convey little to the general public, however, they are known much better in the world. But it does not have to be that way! There is no point in looking for answers to the question “Why did it happen?” But the agenda should be focused on looking for answer to another question: how to remedy the situation?

I am sincerely convinced: the country should be proud of those who move the modern world science forward. On the occasion of its 95th anniversary, Farmak in cooperation with Osnovy Publishing published the book “So much for the science: Ukrainian scientists who are changing the world”, written by well-known Ukrainian journalist Yurii Marchenko. This book not only accentuates the powerful scientific potential of Ukraine. We wish it encouraged those on whom it depends to do everything for its full achievement, development and, most important, preservation. Such powerful scholarly traditions should become our national highlight which is recognized internationally and a competitive factor in the global world.

Why not become one of the world’s R&D hubs for Ukraine? With comprehensive governance, everything will be a success because we do not need to involve foreign scientists – we have our own, who only need to create proper conditions for their research work. Farmak understands the importance of developing science in the country. The company closely cooperates with the country’s leading universities. Farmak employs 150 researchers, including 40 candidates of sciences, and 5 doctors of sciences. Farmak invests approximately 95% of its profits in innovation and development annually. This amount also includes a share of investments in the scientific development of the company. Farmak has been holding “The School of Young Scientist” for several years, striving for reviving the scientific potential of our country.

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