100 років якості Farmak
Oct 12, 2018

Alternative energy, efficient water consumption, filtration – innovative projects implemented in Shostka schools as part of Farmak’s “Eco School” project

Very soon, this environmental project will be extended to cover the entire territory of Ukraine

Farmak JSC implemented a long-term information and educational project “Eco School”. As part of the project, students of 8th-11th grades attended an educational course on global theoretical environmental issues and learned how to apply the acquired knowledge in practice. The best projects aimed at addressing the environmental problems of a particular school received mini-grants from Farmak JSC for their implementation. The company involved ‘Let’s do it, Ukraine’ to participate in the project.

The final meeting of the project participants and organizers was held on October 11. The jury consisting of representatives from the education department, the winning schools, Farmak JSC and NGO ‘Let’s do it, Ukraine’ visited the winning schools and saw how the projects were implemented.

At School No. 1, a unique project “Charging Drive” was implemented. Its idea was to create a generating bike that generates energy and charges mobile devices. The charger itself was designed by Nikita Semenov, a 10th grade student, enthusiast of radio engineering. “I was very interested in this project. I decided to design this charger immediately. Currently I work on improving the speed of charging gadgets. There is no similar bicycle in Ukraine”, told Nikita Semenov.

The silver prize winner of the competition was the team of the gymnasium, where fountains with purified drinking water will be installed. “The slogan of our project is: ‘Clean water is guarantee of health’. One should not drink water from rusty pipes. Therefore, we decided to take part in the competition of environmental projects “, said Daria Pechko, leader of the eco-team.

Due to the “Eco School” project, 3 sensor water taps were installed in School No. 11. “In Eco School, we learned to work as one team, listened to each other, received environmental knowledge, plenty of useful information”, – said project participant Yulia Savinova. According to school principal Natalia Grybuk, the use of sensor taps allowed achieving 25% of water savings for one month only. “It is very important for schools, because children often forget to turn the water taps off. Now they are turned on and off automatically”, said Natalia Grybuk.

The education department understands the importance of this project as well. “You have contributed a part of environmental culture, awareness and thinking in your homes, your schools, your town. This is the beginning of a major important venture, the future of which depends on you”, said Liubov Voloshko, Deputy Director of Shostka Education Department.

“The practical benefit of the Eco School project is practical application of acquired knowledge and skills. Important changes begin with everyone. Important changes begin with a great desire. Our desire to live in clean environment is so great that we have made our complex chemical production facilities eco-friendly. Every participant of the “Eco School” project became the agent of changes and the ambassador of environmental culture. We will not stop here. The “Eco School” project will be implemented in other regions of the country”, noted Pavlo Pavlyk, Operations Director of Farmak JSC

We remind that the “Eco School” project was launched in 2018 in Shostka and lasted for 8 months. 11 local schools participated in the project; of them 9 presented their projects during finals. School eco-teams attended trainings, where they learned about the basics of environmental thinking and lifestyle, how to save the planet and spare natural resources, how to prepare an environmental project for their school and thus contribute to preservation of balance on the Earth.

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