100 років якості Farmak
Nov 15, 2019

Court ruled that Farmak is the only manufacturer of the medicinal product Corvalol

According to the decision of economic courts of all instances (2009-2010), the name “Corvalol” (“Corvalolum”) was used exclusively by one manufacturer as the name of the medicinal product. Information that Corvalol was manufactured by 70 pharmaceutical enterprises of the USSR is not true.

In the middle of 20th century, Lomonosov Kyiv Chemical and Pharmaceutical Plant,   succeeded by JSC “Farmak”, decided to develop technologies and create a cardiovascular medicinal product similar to Valocordin that was manufactured in Germany. The medicinal product was developed by Senior Chemist V.Ya. Yakovleva.   The first batch of Corvalol was released in 1959.    Since then, Lomonosov Kyiv Chemical and Pharmaceutical Plant has been the only manufacturer of Corvalol in the territory of the former USSR. Since 1991, PJSC “Farmak” has been the only manufacturer of this medicinal product in the former Soviet Union. Corvalol trademark is protected in 15 countries of Europe and Central Asia: Germany, Poland, Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia, Belarus, Moldova, Romania, Bulgaria, Turkmenistan, Armenia, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Kazakhstan. The use of the trademark Corvalol Corvalolum is generally confirmed by packaging for the period from 1991 to 2001 inclusive.

Today VALOCORDIN®, Krewel Meuselbach GmbН, is sold in Ukraine and other countries of the world. “The story of Valocordin is an example of fair competition because Valocordin is similar to Corvalol. But the manufacturer produces it under its own name. No monopoly of this medicinal product exists, existed, and can exist. “JSC “Farmak” stands for a civilized competition and has been defending its rights to the well-known trademark Corvalol Corvalolum. We defend our right only to the designation. This is not about any monopoly of the medicinal product itself. The medicinal product and all its components are not patented, and it is not protected in Ukraine in terms of intellectual property. It may be produced by any manufacturer, who will prove its quality and effectiveness and undergo all the necessary licensing procedures. But under a different name, under its own brand”, said Director of Legal Support of JSC “Farmak” Dmytro Taranchuk.

It should be reminded that the litigation regarding Corvalol trademark has been lasting for 15 years.

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