100 років якості Farmak
Jul 10, 2019

The EBRD will provide Farmak with funding of 15 million EUR

Підписання договору

Money will be invested to increase production capacity and equip with modern equipment, to expand production and to construct new laboratory and production complex.

“Farmak” has chosen the path of continuous development. We make modern, effective medicines available. 15 million euros of investments of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development will help us to increase production capacity. The strategic goal of our company is to expand our presence on international markets, remaining a leader on ukrainian one. For this, we impement innovative technologies, purchase modern equipment, create new jobs. All this requires significant investment. And EBRD invests secondly in our production. For us, this cooperation is a sign of high level of trust, work and development of our company, compliance with its European standards and business doing standards. This once again shows the correctness of chosen by us direction and proves the reliability of the company “Farmak” for international investors “, – noted Volodymyr Kostyuk, CEO of Company ” Farmak “.

In general, in 2019 Farmak plans to invest UAH 1.045 billion in development. These funds will be spent on completion of the new tablet production, the project of liquid drugs (LD – 3), a new office-laboratory complex, IT, quality and laboratory equipment.

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