100 років якості Farmak
Nov 07, 2012

Filya Zhebrovska spoke at the Ukrainian Pharmaceutical Forum

Farmak General Director Filya Zhebrovska spoke at the V Annual International Conference of the Adam Smith Institute ‘Ukrainian Pharmaceutical Forum’ held on 15-17 October 2012 at Intercontinental Hotel.

In her speech Filya Zhebrovska has pointed out that one of the company’s priority objectives is the increase of export of Farmak-manufactured drugs. The company’s internal policy is geared toward training of professional personnel. The most important thing today is to teach people to work according to high standards, and until that goal is achieved no modernization will be efficient, Farmak General Director has emphasized.

Filya Zhebrovska places high expectations on implementation of insurance medicine. In her opinion, in this complicated sphere the pharmaceutical companies have to work together and join their efforts to help the state in this transition.

Speaking about priority of this or that sector, Mrs. Zhebrovska said that she doesn’t see it expedient to single out some particular area and invest in it. Investments must be made in all areas: research and development of new drugs, purchase of new production lines, marketing.

For quite some time the Adam Smith Institute Conference ‘Ukrainian Pharmaceutical Forum’ has been serving as a platform for communication among top managers of the leading pharmaceutical companies, distributors of medical institutions, and representatives of drugstore chains operating in Ukraine. This event offers the participants an opportunity to discuss contemporary issues, exchange opinions with colleagues, and establish business communications.

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