100 років якості Farmak
Jun 13, 2016

Farmak Sponsors Army for About UAH 4.5 million

Employees of Farmak Company and the Charitable Foundation Farmak once again actively supported the Ukrainian military forces. Over 2.5 years, they donated about UAH 4.5 million to that end.

For the third time, Farmak employees took part in the voluntary event "One Day Work for the Army", which was conducted at the plant in May and June 2016. Farmak staff transferred their daily earnings to needs of the Mariupol Maritime Security Detachment. Thanks to the good will and public spirit of employees, they have collected significant amount to be added to donation of the Charitable Foundation Farmak to help the military men.

Philya I. Zhebrovska, Director General of Farmak, Chairman of the Farmak Foundation, says, "The Charitable Foundation Farmak is supported by the Farmak Company. We have rendered active support to our defenders since March 2014. We bought the necessary military ammunition, uniforms, boots, and first aid kits for soldiers and so on. Also, we assisted in purchasing the modern equipment to improve the material and technical status our troops. We have bought and handed over night vision devices (thermal imaging cameras), radio sets, generators, auto-refrigerators, a chainsaw, tents, sleeping pads and bags and more. We supply troops with pharmaceuticals on a regular basis.

Funds raised by our employees within the “One Day Work for the Army” event will be directed to purchase mobile cabins for border guards and procurement of the necessary furniture, air conditioners, refrigerators and food. We will continue to support our military men who protect the borders of Ukraine against invaders. We will stay with them to the final victory."

Dmytro O. Hlushak, Lieutenant-Commander, Head of the Mobil Group of Maritime Security (place of dislocation – Berdyansk town): "On my behalf and on behalf of the crew I’d like to thank you for the help. Indeed, mobile cabins, all equipment provided will help us in our service, and raise the morale of the contingent. We all see that in addition to officials, there are good people willing to respond and help in a difficult situation. We really appreciate it! Indeed, our job is to meet the enemy first, and any help to a border guard mariner is the ultimate measure of gratitude for his work. "

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