100 років якості Farmak
Aug 01, 2017

Farmak receives over EUR 500,000 for the advancement of science and innovation

Farmak has won two grants under Horizon 2020 Framework Programme for Research and Innovation for a total amount of over EUR 500,000. These funds will be allocated for working trips of Farmak’s employees to share research and innovation with leading international scientific institutions and pharmaceutical manufacturers.

In 2014, the European Commission introduced a programme supporting basic research called Horizon 2020. Within the framework of this program, about EUR 80 billion were allocated for the period 2014-2020 to fund projects aimed at advancement of science and innovation in three areas: Excellent Science, Industrial Leadership and Societal Challenges. Applications for grants were accepted from consortia, which consisted of scientific institutions and industrial enterprises. 

Jointly with the Institute of Organic Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, the Department of Chemistry at the University of Helsinki (Finland), Institute for Polymers, Composites and Biomaterials, Pozzuoli (Naples, Italy), Farmak has established a VAHVISTUS Consortium. Among its partners are also the National Institute of Amazonian Research (INPA, Brazil), Ibn Tofail University (Kenitra, Morocco) and the University of Florida (Gainesville, USA). VAHVISTUS has developed a grant application on the topic of ‘Integrated development of smart nano-structures for adaptive delivery to target cells’ (Excellent Science area). This preliminary work will help solve the issue of treatment of incurable tropical diseases and provide tools for the development of nanomedicines based on the Farmak's current nomenclature.

The grant application was qualified and received funding from Horizon 2020 Programme in the amount of EUR 990,000. Farmak's share in this grant amounts to EUR 200,000. These funds will be allocated for working trips of Farmak’s employees to VAHVISTUS Consortium members to exchange scientific ideas and preliminary works on the subject of the grant.

Farmak has also joined the ORBIS Consortium. In addition to our company, it also includes the University of Poznan (Poland), the University of Warsaw (Poland), the University of New Jersey (USA), the University of Dublin, in particular Trinity College (Ireland), Faculty of Pharmacy at the University of Helsinki (Finland). The industrial partners of the consortium are pharmaceutical company Zentiva (headquartered in Prague, Czech Republic) and Applaid Process Consulting (Ireland). The consortium members have advanced knowledge in the field of pharmaceutical science, which can be applied in the development of our company's products. Such a partnership was made possible thanks to Oleg Syarkevych, Business Development Director at Farmak, who cooperates fruitfully with the University of Warsaw. ORBIS has developed and filed a grant application on the topic of ‘Pharmaceutical development process and solving problems with API solubility and bioavailability" (Excellent Science area). Horizon 2020 has allocated EUR 2,268,000 for its implementation. Farmak's grant share amounted to over EUR 300,000. These funds will be allocated for working trips of Farmak employees to ORBIS Consortium members to exchange scientific ideas and preliminary works on the subject of the grant.

"The process of receiving grants for the advancement of science and innovation is not easy. The number of projects submitted to Horizon 2020 Programme can reach several hundreds. To win, you need to propose a project that meets the criteria of innovation, has the potential for further implementation, as well as show the consortium’s competencies and technical capabilities for research. Based on the results of expert evaluation, a winning consortium is selected, which receives funding for the development of the proposed project. Farmak's participation in such consortia is an opportunity for the development and exchange of scientific ideas without borders and cross-sectoral barriers through international internships; promotion of innovation – the implementation of creative ideas in innovative products, services and processes, as well as an opportunity to prepare for current and future challenges in the field of healthcare. It is also planned to publish a number of scientific articles on research and development on the topics of grant programs", Andriy Goy, Technical Director at Farmak, says.

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