100 років якості Farmak
Oct 29, 2013

Farmak has started marketing the herbal nasal drug Pinovit

Specialists of the domestic pharmaceutical company Farmak have developed and brought to market a combined herbal nasal drug Pinovit. The new drug is produced in the form of drops (10 ml).

Pinovit is a combined herbal preparation based on essential oils and vitamins for the treatment of acute and chronic infectious inflammatory diseases of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity and nasopharynx. The drug shows anti-inflammatory, anti-oedematous, secretolytic, antibacterial and antifungal activity.

Yaryna Yurynets, Marketing Consultant, Farmak Marketing Department for OTC Drug Products: "One of the most urgent problems in modern otorhinolaryngology is inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract. The main problem of rhinitis and sinusitis is the development of inflammatory oedema and nasal hypersecretion. The use of the mucoactive herbal drug Pinovit helps to relieve inflammation and swelling, reduces viscosity of the mucous secretions in the respiratory tract and promotes recovery".

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