100 років якості Farmak
Nov 18, 2013

Farmak shared its experience in Corporate Social Responsibility with Dutch businessmen

Farmak shared its own experience in implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility with Dutch business representatives during the workshop “Economic Rationale for CSR: Dutch and Ukrainian Context”.

The event was held at the Embassy of the Netherlands in Kyiv on November 6. Dutch and Ukrainian experts from non-governmental organizations and businesses exchanged their experience and best practices in corporate social responsibility. Farmak's experience was presented by Chief Strategic Officer Dina Nemyrovych.

Dina Nemyrovych, Chief Strategic Officer, Farmak JSC, says, “We were happy to respond to the invitation from the Embassy of the Netherlands, a country with highly developed and long-standing corporate social responsibility. I was very pleased of the opportunity to share Farmak's experience, gained in the process of developing and implementing the CSR strategy, with the participants of this event. I believe such events to be a very effective platform for sharing knowledge in the field of CSR between the business representatives from different countries”.

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