100 років якості Farmak
Oct 20, 2014

Farmak brought biologically active dietary supplement Gepargin to market

A new medicinal product, biologically active dietary supplement Gepargin, was added to the product portfolio of Farmak JSC, the leader of Ukrainian pharmaceutical market. This new product is manufactured in the form of 10 ml oral solution No. 10.

Gepargin contains such amino acids as Arginine and Betaine required for recovery of disturbed kidney function, protein synthesis, and normalization of fat metabolism in the whole body.

Gepargin is recommended for:

Gepargin has its effect on the general strengthening of the body thus protecting it from stress and overfatigue, and adverse external conditions (poor environment, contaminated water and food). In addition, the medicinal product is easy to use: dissolve the contents of 1 bottle in a half glass of water and drink. The dosage is 1-3 bottles a day. The period of treatment is 3-4 weeks.

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