100 років якості Farmak
May 06, 2014

Farmak ranked as Kyiv’s Best Company in Occupational Safety

Farmak JSC was ranked first in Kyiv's Best Company in Occupational Safety competition in 2013.  The competition was arranged by Kyiv City Organization of Trade Unions and dedicated to the World Day for Safety and Health at Work, celebrated on 28 April.

Occupational safety has been given specific attention at Farmak JSC for many years.  The Company has implemented the Occupational Health and Safety Management System compliant with the requirements laid down in DSTU OHSAS 18001:2010.

In October 2013, external supervisory audit was conducted by Ukrmetrteststandard, State Enterprise on certification. The audit found out that the existing Occupational Health and Safety Management System with regard to development, production, storage, and supply of medicinal products, implemented at Farmak JSC, complied with the requirements of DSTU OHSAS 18001:2010.

On annual basis, Farmak JSC takes a whole range of actions aimed at improving occupational safety, fire prevention, enhancement of employees’ workplace conveniences, and employees’ occupational safety awareness. Farmak JSC has invested over UAH 17.5 million in occupational safety activities for the recent five years.

On 22-30 April 2014, Farmak JSC held the Occupational Safety Week under the Occupational Safety and Health while Using Chemical Substances in Production motto, during which the employees were kept informed of, and a number of organizational arrangements, in particular, targeted inspections of compliance with the requirements as regards protection of employees from harmful impacts of chemical substances, within the Company’s structural units.

Lyudmyla Saichenko, Head of Occupational Safety and Environment Department, says, “Occupational safety is an essential part of the Company’s harmonious development. The employees’ health safety depends on industrial safety and everyone who involved in the labour activities. Farmak JSC is a large manufacturing company based in Kyiv, that’s why we focus on the working environment of the employees engaged in heavy work and those who work in harmful and dangerous conditions. We provide all of them with up-to-date individual protective clothing and means; they also take appropriate training.  In addition, all Company’s employees are provided with health insurance policy and take medical examinations in the Central District Polyclinic of Podil district in Kyiv. As a result, none accident related to manufacturing has occurred within the recent years”.


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