100 років якості Farmak
May 05, 2014

Farmak reports on fulfillment of CSR Plan for 2013

Following the best practices, Farmak started reporting on the fulfillment of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Action Plan. The first results can be found at https://farmak.ua/

Farmak drafted the CSR Strategy in 2012 with consulting support from E&Y and started its implementing in 2013. The first report was delivered on free basis having the main objective to show the relation between the Company’s strategic CSR goals and actual steps towards their achievement.

The key Farmak’s CSR efforts in 2013 were focused on implementation of CSR practices in such areas as human resource management, environmental impact reduction, higher efficiency of social expenses, promotion of the principles of business ethics and more transparency in business.

Dina Nemyrovych, Chief Strategic Officer, Farmak JSC, says, Sustainable development is a part of Farmak’s business philosophy and social orientation is incorporated into our mission. The first CSR Report is for us not only a way to communicate with the stakeholders, but also a motive to set up the information acquisition system across the Company. Our future plans include regular delivery of more extensive CSR reports and focusing our efforts on making them more informative.

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