100 років якості Farmak
Nov 19, 2021

Farmak has got HR Brand Award – 2021

Farmak has been honoured with an award for its FARMAK TALENTS START project following the 11th respected HR Brand Award ceremony held by grc.ua.

The Award is granted to recognize HR specialists and to identify and track current changes in the labour market, trends and innovations. An expert jury based their evaluation of the projects submitted by the participants on such criteria as relevance, modern methods used and business efficiency in the conditions of the new reality. This year, 60 relevant HR cases from 46 Ukrainian companies were presented.

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Farmak talents start is a range of interrelated educational and scientific initiatives from schoolchildren to the professional community. Due to the large-scale labour migration in Ukraine, the outflow of talented researchers and scientists is growing daily. So, Farmak talents start project is primarily aimed to strengthen the country’s scientific and educational potential and provide opportunities for students and young professionals to fulfil themselves. The project includes:

Profession_lab and cooperation with the Junior Academy of Sciences of Ukraine for the development of schoolchildren

Farmak is the first Ukrainian pharmaceutical company to sign a Memorandum of Cooperation with the Junior Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. The Company has launched a separate award for talented students presenting scientific works in chemistry, medicine, and general biology.

The Company has been also implementing the Profession_lab project for schoolchildren to introduce them to the pharmaceutical professions. Schoolchildren consequently get an understanding of what a particular specialist is doing at a pharmaceutical company.

Farmak_lab, Farmak Science Start hackathon and internship in a dream company for students

Farmak_lab is an educational project for students and teachers of specialized universities. As part of the event, the Company’s experts talk about the specifics of pharmaceutical industry and how theoretical university knowledge is applicable in further practice. Participants can communicate with experts and find out the answers to their questions as well as take a tour of the manufacturing facilities.

The Company also annually holds the Farmak Science Start hackathon for postgraduate students and graduates. The best students selected by the Company’s specialists from all over Ukraine using online testing are organized in teams to perform applied tasks related to pharmaceutical development.

It should be noted that internship is an essential part of training, therefore more than 100 students annually undergo pre- and postgraduate internships at Farmak; the Company then employs about 50% of them.


School of Young Scientists for students, teachers and scientists

The School of Young Scientists is one of the projects that the Company has been implementing for students. It is a platform for professional communication between leading international scientists, Farmak experts, teachers and students of specialized universities. Scientists from Ukraine, USA, Great Britain, Austria, Ireland, Italy, Germany and Hungary are involved in its implementation.

Participants can not only discuss the most pressing issues and challenges of modern pharmaceutical industry, but also exchange experience with colleagues. In October this year, scientific delegations from the United States and Italy arrived in Ukraine to discuss new strategies for treating COVID-19 within the framework of the project.

“A professional and well-formed team is the main advantage of our Company. Many young professionals are unfortunately leaving our country, but if Farmak sees a problem, it looks for ways to solve it. And this applies to absolutely all aspects. We invest resources not only in the present but also in the future. We give young people a chance to develop and get decent jobs in Ukraine. Therefore, we actively cooperate with schoolchildren and students. I believe that over time, the pharmacological community in Ukraine will only grow more robust, and we, for our part, will do our best to develop and support the industry,” said Viktoriia Kondrashykhina, HR Director at JSC Farmak.



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