100 років якості Farmak
Jul 15, 2020

Farmak participated in the first Voluntary National Review on the Sustainable Development Goals in Ukraine and review of the private sector practices from the UN Global Compact Network Ukraine

On July 15, 2020 the first Voluntary National Review of progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals was presented by Ukraine to the world community.  The UN Global Compact Network Ukraine prepared the Review of Business Progress in Ukraine towards the Sustainable Development Goals which included Farmak, the only company representing the Ukrainian pharmaceutical industry.

The Voluntary National Review of progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals is the report presented by the UN member countries every 3-5 years on the UN High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development for follow-up and review of the progress in achieving the Goals. Denmark, Japan, Sweden, Finland and other countries have already reported their achievements. Ukraine and another 46 countries present their reviews in 2020.

The UN Global Compact networks in different countries make their Voluntary Business Progress Review towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at the national level for the second consecutive year. The UN Global Compact Network Ukraine made the review of the private sector practices, in particular, the cases of Farmak and other Ukrainian companies the strategy of which is focused on following the SDGs.

“Businesses operating in Ukraine more often choose a long-term sustainable development strategy and try to meet the interests of not only business owners but also the interests of stakeholders: consumers, employees and society. Our review is based on the inspiring stories of companies that have taken a step toward changes for the welfare of millions of people. There are great many talented entrepreneurs in Ukraine who develop socially responsible business right now. During the global lockdown, we all need good news, and our National Review of Business Progress in Ukraine is a clarion call to work together,” said Tetiana Sakharuk, Chairman of the Board of the UN Global Compact Network Ukraine.

“JSC “Farmak” as a leader of the Ukrainian pharmaceutical industry was the first domestic company to join the UN initiative — the UN Global Compact Network because the policy of the Company fully complies with the guidelines aimed at solving the most urgent problems of our time, and the care about future generations. The provision of qualitative and affordable medicinal products to our people and citizens of many other countries with is our most important contribution to the present and future. When it comes to health, we put a lot of effort to improve other aspects of human well-being. This includes ensuring the decent working conditions, conducting transparent business and investing in R&D. Each of the universal principles of the Global Compact, from ensuring human rights to combating all forms of corruption, is clearly set in the policy of our Company and is supported by practical actions. Taking care of people, we never forget that we all live in one house, on one planet. Therefore, by increasing the capacity of our manufacture, at the same time we minimize the negative impact on the environment. Our environmental activities are not limited by these actions because many educational projects initiated by the Company form new eco-consciousness,” said Volodymyr Kostiuk, Executive Director of JSC “Farmak”.



The Voluntary Review of Business Progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals is available here.

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