100 років якості Farmak
Sep 16, 2019

Farmak: Run for Your Health! – 2019: Two Distances, 1,500 Participants and Famed Sports Expert

Забіг Шостка Фармак

The sports event “Farmak: Run for Your Health!” was held by Farmak for the third time on the occasion of Shostka Town Day, with support of the municipal authorities

This year, the event was expanded. A new distance called FARMAK MORE RUN was created. It’s a 500 m race for participants under 12. A total of 1,500 participants joined the event. FARMAK GREAT RUN 2 km race involved 500 sportsmen. 125 children covered the distance of 500 m. The event was supported by Shostka and Kyiv residents, Farmak staff. Around 1,500 persons took part in the event. Viacheslav Uzelkov was the sports expert of the event. The event was host by Yulia Karpova from Hit FM.

The oldest participant of the race, Ivan Vasyliovych Pate, was 82 years old. He participated in 7 marathons of the world. Yelyzaveta Yalovska was the youngest participant. She was only 2 years and 5 months old.

The participants ran in accordance with the global rules. The internationally certified judges used the electronic system to record the results.

“Sport is the right choice for everyone. Because sport directly contributes to health of both a person and the society. To facilitate the people to be healthy, Farmak makes the treatment with modern and effective medicinal products possible. Every year, we manufacture over 20 new modern medicinal products, and roughly 150 medicinal products are under development. The equipment of Farmak meets the best world practices and tendencies. We understand that sport and a healthy lifestyle are the best ways to prevent diseases. Therefore, we traditionally hold the race “Farmak: Run for Your Health!” on the occasion of  the Shostka Town Day in the beginning of September. You do not need to be a sportsman to wake up every morning and cover your distance. Any new step is a victory, which means that your decision leads to such victory. Farmak as a market leader knows how important victory is for everyone. We want to show within this project that a healthy lifestyle is a conscious choice of everyone and it is accessible. Running is not just a word or a type of sport. It is a special world-view. It is a feeling of your power, energy, revival, accomplishments, understanding that everything is possible”, said Olena Zubarieva, Head of Corporate Communication and Sustainable Development Department at JSC “Farmak”.

“Promotion of a healthy lifestyle is crucially important. Everyone must strive for his own victory. Above all, he must overcome himself every time”, noted boxer Viacheslav Uzelkov, sports expert of the event.


The winners of FARMAK GREAT RUN race among men were:

first place – Petro Shukalovych

second place – Yevhen Kostiuchenko

third place – Volodymyr Myronenko

The winners of FARMAK GREAT RUN race among women were:

first place – Anastasiia Potetnia

second place – Yuliia Martynenko

third place – Mariia Pavlenko


The winners of FARMAK MORE RUN race were:

first place – Bohdan Nikulin

second place – Danylo Fedosenko

third place – Danylo Yeresiv


The winners were granted unique awards and valuable prizes. The commemorative medals were awarded to all participants of the races.

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