100 років якості Farmak
Feb 24, 2020

Farmak supports startups in the context of cooperation with Sector X Acceleration Hub

Farmak searches for engaging startups in the innovative medical technology market in cooperation with Sector X.

“Why are we here? To find new business development points in P4 (predictive, preventive, personalized and participatory) medicine. Admittedly, the corporate sector may effectively operate a customized business model, but it is cumbersome enough to generate ideas and products that go beyond established stereotypes. Indeed, dozens of failures may often are behind the achievement of one success in the startup ecosystem, so the very recognition of the inevitability of mistakes and defeats gives unrestrained freedom of thought. Therefore, we are here to trace the breadth of the concept, the synergy between industry and creativity, which will allow us to find new and popular solutions for doctors, pharmacists, patients, to improve the quality of life and increase its duration,” Andriy Goy stated in his speech.

In cooperation with Sector X, Farmak has already reviewed about 20 proposals. 14 startups were presented at the opening, 3 of them were medical.

“This is just the beginning, there will be other startups. We take interest in the directions at the confluence of advanced near-patient testing, digital medicine, interactive patient involvement, which allow us to anticipate and prevent health problems, and if they are detected, to identify the causes and recommend solutions to the detected problems using biomedical and computing technologies,” Goy said.

Sector X is an accelerating platform that combines startup assistance in starting international business in close cooperation with Ukrainian and international corporations.



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