100 років якості Farmak
Oct 15, 2019

Farmak was awarded with responsible business certificate from UN Global Compact Network Green Business Ukraine

The Company was awarded for the projects aimed at raising the environmental awareness of the society and implementing the latest technologies and innovative approaches. The major projects are: “Eco-School”, “Farmak: Run For Your Health”, etc.

The purpose of the Eco-School project is to unite and create a community of young environmental activists, promote environmentally friendly lifestyle among young people and raise awareness of resource and energy saving. In 2018, the pilot project “Eco-School” was successfully implemented in Shostka. In 2019, Farmak expanded the Eco-School project and involved 10 schools in Kyiv.  From the beginning of this academic year, the All-Ukrainian National Environmental Platform Eco-School was launched at Farmak at ecoschool.com.ua

“Farmak: Run For Your Health!” has been held by Farmak for three consecutive years to promote a healthy lifestyle. More than 3,000 Shostka residents and guests have joined the event during this period. This year, the event was expanded. A new distance was created to promote sports among the youth. It’s a 500 m race for participants under 12.

Farmak as the leader of the Ukrainian pharmaceutical market and the company that is committed to the European values in its business becomes an example in adhering to the principles of sustainable development in our country. Farmak has become the first pharmaceutical company to join the UN Global Compact Network Ukraine. To facilitate the people to be healthy, we make the treatment with modern and effective medicinal products possible. Every year, we manufacture over 20 new modern medicinal products, and roughly 150 medicinal products are under development. We understand that health is a fundamental value. And health primarily involves prevention and clean and safe environment. Implementing these projects, we want to show that everyone may make a conscious choice whether to take care for the environment and keep a healthy lifestyle, and it is affordable”, said Olena Zubarieva, Head of Corporate Communication and Sustainable Development Department at JSC “Farmak”.


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