100 років якості Farmak
Jul 05, 2021

Filya Zhebrovska is one of Ukraine’s most influential people


Filya Ivanivna Zhebrovska, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Farmak, has been included in the rating “TOP 100 Most Influential People of Ukraine in 2021” published by the Novoye Vremya magazine on June 24 based on a poll of 42 leading experts.

Filya Zhebrovska headed Farmak in 1995. Under her leadership, the Soviet chemical-pharmaceutical plant became a high-tech enterprise of European level. It was Filya Ivanivna’s initiative that gave impulse to change of the strategy and transformation of the manufacturing focus from API to finished dosage forms that meet high international quality standards. Due to this and continuous investment in innovative manufacturing platforms, R&D as well as personnel development, Farmak became the Ukrainian pharmaceutical market leader in 2010 and has maintained its leadership for 11 years.

As from July 1, 2017, Filya Zhebrovska has chaired Farmak’s Supervisory Board and focused on the strategic management of the Company.

Today Farmak is a leading company with its own R&D centre, which is a worthy representative of Ukraine globally. Farmak’s medicinal products are sold in over 30 countries of the EU, Central and South America, the CIS, Middle East, Asia and others. Now the Company is preparing for inspection by the FDA (U.S. Food and Drug Administration) to enter the U.S. market.

Social responsibility and sustainability are an integral part of Farmak. By increasing manufacturing volumes, the Company continuously reduces its environmental impact. In addition, Farmak provides systematic assistance to medical, military, social and educational institutions. Last year, at the onset of the pandemic, Farmak donated UAH 10 million to purchase ventilator machines and other equipment for hospitals across Ukraine.

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