100 років якості Farmak
Feb 11, 2021

Information attack against Farmak: in whose way stands one of Kyiv’s largest taxpayers?

The Press Center’s standpoint for the mass media

Farmak plant in Kyiv faces a targeted information attack now. Those who have organized a wave of publications most probably pursue the purpose of manipulating public opinion and deputies of the Kyiv City Council in order to clear a land plot in Podol for yet another construction.

While we can understand the purpose (the principle “It’s business” is probably interpreted by the attack organizers in such a way), the mass media standpoint seems at least strange to us.

Firstly, regarding the chosen approach. Farmak has always communicated its standpoint directly and has been open to dialogue. At the same time, no media outlet that published materials about our plant in Podol has reached out to the Company for comments. Thus, we have been deprived of an opportunity to present another point of view with respect to the situation.

Secondly, regarding the content of the publications. Farmak has repeatedly informed the public about relocating the API manufacturing facilities with the greatest environmental impact outside Kyiv.

Moreover, Farmak supports gradual revision of state sanitary regulations on planning and development of settlements to reduce the sanitary area of pharmaceutical companies. After all, these state sanitary regulations of 1996 are outdated and do not comply with the current EU standards and regulations. Now, pharmaceutical manufacturers use modern, much safer equipment, the state-of the-art air and water treatment systems etc.

Indeed, the process of revising the state sanitary regulations should be prudent and gradual, with continuous expert monitoring of the company’s impact on environment and the public health.

It is our deep conviction that the properly drafted City General Plan will make it possible for different building formats to coexist harmoniously, as shown by numerous examples in the EU.

Moreover, we strongly believe that the desire to construct more cost-effective residential buildings should not prevail over common sense. Neither the healthcare system nor the economy of Ukraine as a whole and Kyiv in particular can afford today to get rid of a European-level manufacturer of medicinal products, a good faith taxpayer, one of the best employers and an exporter of high value-added products, for the benefit of certain business groups.

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