100 років якості Farmak
Apr 17, 2020

Now Farmak medicinal products can be ordered online.

To prevent the coronavirus spread, Farmak has started to cooperate with the specialized services for order and delivery of medicinal products from pharmacies.


In March, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine allowed postal services to deliver medicinal products. Now Farmak medicinal products can be ordered and picked up at the postal office or delivered by courier at doorstep.


“During the quarantine, each of us tries to limit the range of social contacts and not to leave the house unless we have to. It is therefore natural that the demand for online ordering of products from the supermarket, food from cafés and restaurants is constantly increasing. Some people have already appreciated the convenience and benefits of online reservation of medicinal products in a pharmacy. You can always be sure that the medicinal product is available, save your time in line and compare prices. So now there is no need to stand in line. And for those who are ill and have no one to send to the pharmacy or are unable to get to the nearest pharmacy (especially in small villages), this is more than relevant,” said Mykhailo Vanat, Marketing and Sales Director of JSC Farmak.


You can order medicinal products on the website of Farmak (https://farmak.ua/drugs/) after an automatic click away to service Liki24.com. The service makes it possible to order the delivery of necessary medicinal products exclusively from licensed pharmacies, or to choose a convenient pharmacy nearby and make a reservation. Almost all medicinal products are available for delivery except for certain categories that require special conditions of release, storage and recording. However, you should remember that self-medication can be harmful to your health, so, follow the advice of your doctor and pharmacist.


Be healthy!

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