News and events «Farmak»
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The Company was awarded for the projects aimed at raising the environmental awareness of t...
Recently, a number of unscrupulous Ukrainian media distributed fake information that Farma...
According to the results of the 20th contest of professionals in the pharmaceutical indust...
The sports event “Farmak: Run for Your Health!” was held by Farmak for the third time on t...
The preparatory hearing in the case regarding the well-known trademark Corvalol Corvalolum...
Any 6-11 grade student may sign up on the distance learning platform and take part in the ...
Growth of the global economy and the related high business activity will lead to an increa...
JSC “Farmak” will launch Eco-School, the single educational Internet platform,...
At the end of June, the European database EudraGMDP has been replenished with new GMP cert...