100 років якості Farmak
Oct 03, 2018

FARMAK JSC is in the rating of “Responsible Taxpayers 2017”

Farmak JSC is the only pharmaceutical company included in the list of Responsible taxpayers in the industry “Processing”: manufacture of chemicals, pharmaceutical products.

The rating winners were selected at the meeting of members of the Higher Rating Commission (HRC) “Responsible Taxpayers 2017”. Farmak JSC became the winner of the all-Ukrainian rating in the industry “Processing”: manufacture of chemicals, pharmaceuticals and chemical products, rubber and plastic products. We remind that the amount of Farmak’s tax deductions for 2017 was UAH 526.5 million.

The rating winners showed significant achievements in terms of compliance with tax discipline, officially employed headcount and amounts of costs for social programs.

The annual All-Ukrainian rating “Responsible Taxpayers” was instituted by the Association of Taxpayers of Ukraine in 2011. The main idea of the rating is to increase the prestige of diligent taxpayers in business, society and the state.

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