100 років якості Farmak
Feb 06, 2019

Farmak JSC has invited the business community to join its Eco-school project

Farmak has participated in this year Sustainability Marathon organized by Ekonomika +. Farmak, as a company remaining the leader of the pharmaceutical market in Ukraine and a supporter of the global goals of the sustainable development for the ninth year in a row, is ready to share its eco-experience and eco-ideas with representatives of Ukrainian business.

“The Eco-school project initiated by Farmak is aimed at enhancing the ecological culture of young people and set to form a new generation that cares for the world’s natural resources,” said Elena Zubareva, Corporate Communications Director of Farmak JSC.

During the Sustainability Marathon,the leading companies discussed the progressive and effective steps that the business took in 2018 regarding the principles of sustainable development through the prism of 5R: Refuse, Reduce, Reuse/Repurpose, Recycle, Rot.

The marathon featured the topical issues of formation of the new eco-reality, showcased modern technologies in the process of turning waste into a resource and underlined trends in sustainable consumption.

“We have developed a unique Eco-school project, which algorithm allows us to bring information to schoolchildren on principles of sustainable development and global environmental problems in a game form. We demonstrate how one particular person can change the ecological situation around them. After all, everything starts out small. We explain schoolchildren how to manage projects in order they to develop projects aimed at reducing the use of natural resources for their schools with no outside help and show financial benefits from environmental consumption. To do this, we have specifically developed a methodological manual adopted by the Ministry of Education of Ukraine. The best projects will receive mini grants from Farmak,” said Elena Zubareva during her speech.

It should be reminded that the lecture stage of the Eco-school project intended for 40 children from10 schools in Podil district of Kyiv was launched last week.

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