100 років якості Farmak
Jan 06, 2021

The Zhebrivski Family Charitable Foundation is a long-term supporter of medical institutions in Ruzhyn urban-type settlement and Nemyryntsi village (Zhytomyr region)

Фонд Жебровских

In total, the Fund donated over UAH 4 million to fight the COVID-19 pandemic in the Ruzhynskyi district, as well as to reconstruct and equip a first-aid post in Nemyryntsi village

As part of the anti-pandemic campaign, the Zhebrivski Family Charitable Foundation provided the Municipal Non-Commercial Enterprise “District Central Hospital” of the Ruzhynskyi District Council with an intensive care unit (lung ventilator) and four oxygen concentrators, as well as protective equipment for medical personnel: protective suits, goggles, medical masks, respirators, disinfectant solutions for the treatment of hands and surfaces. At the expense of the fund, an ambulance car was maintained and an industrial washing machine was purchased.

In 2020, the reconstruction of the premises and arrangement of the adjacent territory of the first-aid post in Nemyryntsi village, which is a structural unit of Municipal Non-Commercial Enterprise “Center for Primary Health Care” of the Ruzhynskyi District Council, was completed. The first-aid post was equipped with medical equipment, software and hardware for telemedicine, furniture, necessary inventory, medicines for primary care, protective equipment and disinfectant solutions for hand and surface treatment.

Medicines and disinfectant solutions were also transferred directly to Municipal Non-Commercial Enterprise “Primary Health Care Center” in Ruzhyn urban-type settlement.

Charitable assistance with medicines and personal protective equipment was provided to the Territorial Center for Social Services of Ruzhynskyi District of Zhytomyr Region, which cares for residents of respectable age who need social assistance.

It is worth reminding that the All-Ukrainian Charitable Organization “Zhebrivski Family Charitable Foundation” (successor of the Farmak Charitable Foundation) has existed for almost 10 years. The Zhebrivski Family Charitable Foundation supports educational institutions, medical institutions, and provides assistance to the Ukrainian army. And this year Farmak together with the All-Ukrainian Charitable Organization “Zhebrivski Family Charitable Foundation” allocated UAH 10 million for counteraction to the spread of coronavirus. In particular, the necessary equipment and personal protective equipment, as well as medicines purchased by them were delivered to 100 medical institutions in different regions of Ukraine.



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