100 років якості Farmak
Sep 26, 2018

Thugs in masks engaged in disruptive conduct near Farmak office

Today, at the main entrance to Farmak JSC, about 15 masked people produced a smoke curtain and interfered with the company’s work.

Competitors use any opportunity to prejudice the Company’s business reputation. They resort to unlawful and unscrupulous methods; use unverified and inaccurate information for media publications; arrange unjustified paid mass events involving thugs.

Farmak’s image has been formed for many years, and the competitors’ communication attack cannot stain the Company’s impeccable business reputation built over decades.

Today, Farmak is:

– the leader of the pharmaceutical market of Ukraine since 2010

Farmak’s leadership is the result of innovative solutions, high-quality medicines and correctly chosen marketing strategy of the Company.

– one of the largest exporters

Farmak manufactures European-quality medicines for Ukraine and more than 20 countries of the world. No Ukrainian pharmaceutical company can boast such a number of export directions.

– the largest taxpayer in the industry

Farmak is the only pharmaceutical company ranked among top 100 of the largest taxpayers of Ukraine. In 2017, the amount of its tax deductions was UAH 526.5 million.

– one of the most innovative companies in Ukraine

Since 1995, Farmak has invested more than $ 239 million in production upgrades and new equipment. The Company has a unique vertical integration: own production of APIs (active pharmaceutical ingredients) enables it to control quality at all stages of manufacture.

– a transparent company with sound business reputation

Farmak publishes its audited financial statements annually. All production processes are transparent. Salaries are paid officially. Farmak actively cooperates with international organizations, such as EBRD and UNDP, and has good reputation and impeccable history of relationships.

 a stable company

Almost 2,500 families are socially protected thanks to Farmak. They have stable salaries and social guarantees.

– a socially responsible company

Farmak implements a number of important projects necessary for the modern society, aimed at increasing the environmental awareness of schoolchildren, enhancing their social activity, promoting healthy lifestyle. Farmak’s environmental project ranks among the top 20 of the best social projects in Ukraine.

Farmak supports the Ukrainian Army. Overall, Farmak Charity Foundation provided assistance worth over UAH 5 million to support the army. Moreover, expressing their civic position, Farmak employees initiated the campaign “I work one day for the army”, during which mobile cabins for the Mariupol detachment of maritime security are purchased.

 Farmak’s scientific potential is the basis of development of the country’s pharmaceutical industry and security of the state.

Due to Farmak, Ukrainians have access to high-quality generics all over the world. Health of many patients depends on medicines manufactured by Farmak. These people live both in Ukraine, and in other countries. Historically, consumers of Farmak’s products are predominantly concentrated in the CIS countries. In Poland, the Ukrainian diaspora is about 500 thousand people, in Kazakhstan – more than 900 thousand, in Bilorus – approximately 200 thousand, in Russia – 5 million Ukrainians. We export our medicines and believe that Ukrainian citizens, wherever they may be, and ethnic Ukrainians should have access to Farmak’s products. However, the Company’s strategic goal is to increase its potential in the European markets.

Over the past 15 years, we have done a lot for Farmak to be known in Europe. We have increased our production facilities, obtained European GMP certificates. We have something to be proud of – we are developing the pharmaceutical industry in Ukraine, investing in the state, creating jobs for Ukrainians, so that people stay to live and work in Ukraine.

We are an honest business building an honest state, and we hope for reciprocity.

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