100 років якості Farmak
Grigorii Kostiuk

Grigorii Kostiuk

Supervisory Board Member

Grigorii Kostiuk has been a Supervisory Board member since June 30, 2017, he was reelected on April 19, 2018. He is a member of the Appointment and Remuneration Committee and the Development and Marketing Committee of the Supervisory Board. He also manages the Investment and Science Committee of the Supervisory Board.

Grigorii Kostiuk joined the Farmak team in 1998. At first, he worked as a Deputy Technical Director for Production Preparation and Operation, and later he was promoted to Technical Director.

He is responsible for the strategy of technical re-equipment and the determination of the directions for the technical development of the company. In addition, his range of responsibilities includes ensuring the effectiveness of engineering decisions, monitoring the timely implementation of technical projects; controlling and management of the company’s activities in the field of development, research and registration of new drugs, as well as the creation of new production capacities, laboratories, reconstruction and upgrade of existing ones. Under the leadership of Grigorii Kostiuk, 14 new production lines were launched at the plant.

He has experience in management at large enterprises, in particular, he worked for 15 years at the Obolon Brewery where he held the position of Head of Production.

Grigorii Kostiuk is the author of 25 scientific articles. He was awarded an honourary certificate by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine and from the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

Grigorii Kostiuk graduated from the Energy Faculty of the National Technical University of Ukraine “Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”. In 2008 he graduated from Kharkiv Pharmaceutical University with honours. In 2009, he received a Ph.D. in Pharmaceutical Sciences.