Aug 12, 2019

Medicines for cancer patients procured within state budget began to arrive in Ukraine

The first shipment of medicines for cancer patients arrived in Ukraine, procured through the international organization Crown Agents at the expense of the Ukrainian state budget 2019. The next stage is the distribution of the medicines to the regions.

In this first shipment, the following medicines were delivered: the antitumor medicine chlorambucil, calcium folinate, which is used to eliminate the toxic effects of antitumor therapy, and interferon alpha-2b, which has immunomodulating, antiviral, and antitumor biological activity. The supply of interferon almost completely covers the need for this medicine.

The following shipments of medicines for adults with cancer, will include another 7 names of drugs.

In total, the state budget of Ukraine for 2019 stipulates UAH 6.6 billion for drugs procurement, of which more than UAH 1.3 billion has been allocated for adult oncology. For the fifth year now, the Ministry of Health of Ukraine cooperates with international organizations for the procurement of medicines – this has made it possible to optimize costs and synchronize purchases with the budget cycle.

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