100 років якості Farmak

«Language is the DNA of the nation»: We pump up the native language

«Language is the DNA of the nation»: Farmak employees attended a lecture on the Day of Ukrainian Writing and Language

On November 9, Ukraine celebrated the Day of Ukrainian Writing and Language — a celebration of the development of the state language. This date was not chosen by chance. On the same day, Nestor the Chronicler, who significantly developed the achievements of the creators of Slavic writing Cyril and Methodius, is honored.

«Farmak» employees attended a lecture by the founder of the «Mova» project, author of the book «Ukrainian is easy!»  Natalia Klymenko. Common mistakes in the use of Ukrainian words were worked out together, and we also talked about the conscious choice of switching to the Ukrainian language and the language as a component of our identity.


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