100 років якості Farmak

Meetings with students is one of the most favorite things of Farmak HR managers

Last week, we held several exciting online meetings for students and graduates of higher education institutions (National Technical University of Ukraine, National University of Pharmacy, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv).

We talked with young people about practice areas, future employment and opportunities for further development in their field.                                   The listeners also learned how the leader of the pharmaceutical industry works in new realities and how he takes care of his employees.

Finally, our HR managers shared useful life hacks on how to prepare for their first interview at Farmak and provided a checklist of the most popular questions that may arise to a candidate during employment.

Meetings with students have long become our tradition! We make every effort to ensure that talented young people find their vocation, develop the pharmaceutical industry and the economy of our country.


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