100 років якості Farmak
Nov 10, 2020

According to Ukrainian Association of Corporate Media experts, Farmak Communications Department entered the top 10 of the country for innovation and creativity

2020 Награді Фармак

The book “Bude tobi nauka: ukrainski vcheni, yaki zminiuiut svit” (That’s science for you: Ukrainian scientists changing the world) and the corporate magazine Science inside won the Grand Prix of the competition “The Best Corporate Media of Ukraine 2020”.

The competition experts also highly praised other projects of Farmak press service. The corporate calendar, the FarmakLife newspaper, the Facebook page and the Company’s website took the second place in the competition, and the Instagram page took the third place.

The competition “The Best Corporate Media of Ukraine 2020” is aimed at developing standards of corporate journalism, design, methods of information interaction with stakeholders of the organization.

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