100 років якості Farmak
Jun 08, 2015

EBRD shareholders visited Farmak

On 3 June, the official delegation of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) visited Farmak. The event was held as a part of 5-day visit of EBRD delegation to Ukraine.

12 members, representing a half of the Bank’s shareholders, were in a delegation. This was the most representative delegation of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development ever to visit Ukraine.

Anton Usov, Senior External Affairs Advisor, EBRD, says, “Farmak has been a client of EBRD for nearly 10 years and, for that time, the Bank has supported two projects to strengthen Farmak’s role as the national manufacturer of new high quality medicinal products, many of which are now imported. For EBRD, cooperation with Farmak was the first experience of financing the pharmaceutical business in Ukraine.  Now, it is evident that experience is a success.

Visiting the up-to-date pharmaceutical company, that is developing even in the time when Ukraine faces a complicated situation, was the event of great interest for EBRD shareholders. Moreover, the representatives of EBRD Board of Directors called attention to the management team, mostly consisting of women, that is non-typical practice for Ukraine.

The Company’s plans for future and the current financial standing proved to be valuable to EBRD shareholders.  Farmak’s marketing strategy, adjusted in connection with changes of the situation in traditional markets and emergence of opportunities in new markets, proved to be of special interest.

Farmak is the industry leader with strong corporate governance and transparent financial statements.  Undoubtedly, BRD will be interested in further cooperation with Farmak”.

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