100 років якості Farmak
Sep 14, 2016

Farmak is the General Sponsor of the VIII National Congress of Pharmacists of Ukraine

Farmak has becomes the general sponsor of the VIII National Congress of Pharmacists of Ukraine to be held in Kharkiv at the National University of Pharmacy on September 13-16, 2016..

The Congress will present achievements of the national pharmaceutical industry, experience of the European integration, consider pressing needs of the industry. During the Congress, delegates and participants will communicate with colleagues, exchange practical experiences, discuss current aspects of development and industrial production of pharmaceuticals, including biotechnology and nanotechnology in pharmacy, modern approaches to new drugs development, packaging and labeling of drugs, issues of clinical pharmacy, state of the social pharmacy, pharmaceutical education prospects in Ukraine and direct participation of employers in the staff training.

The scientific conference “XXI Century Pharmacy: Trends and Prospects”, to be held on September 15-16, will host 10 scientific symposia, 6 master classes, 3 panel discussions, 9 workshops, 3 satellite symposia, 1 workshop.

Filya Zhebrovska, Farmak CEO: Our participation in the VIII National Congress of Pharmacists of Ukraine is absolutely logical, because goals set by the organizers are close to ours. I believe that local pharmacists have a powerful communication platform for knowledge sharing and networking. In addition, the event offers participants a unique opportunity to show results of their work. To demonstrate that Ukraine is a country with great pharmaceutical potential, innovative technology and progressive views. By its example, Farmak repeatedly demonstrated and continues to successfully demonstrate that Ukraine can offer high-quality products meeting the ready domestic and foreign markets.

During the Congress, they will present the first in Ukraine Drugs Equivalence Handbook Rx index, which features 193 drugs of Farmak.

The Equivalence Handbook was edited by Professor I.A. Zupantsya and the NAS Academician, Professor V.P.Chernykh. The book contains data on the therapeutic equivalence of generic drugs and their possible substitutions.

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