100 років якості Farmak
Sep 26, 2014

Farmak to present Avouge® at InterCharm2014

Farmak, the leader of the domestic pharmaceutical industry, presented Avouge®, a range of products for contouring plastics and correction of age-related skin changes, at the 13th International Exhibition of Perfumery and Cosmetics InterCharm2014, held in September at the International Exhibition Center in Kyiv. 

Farmak’s stand featured biogels of Avouge® line – Avouge® and Avouge® Plus, and hyaluronic acid-based products: Hyaral® and Hyaral® Plus used in ophthalmic surgery.

Avouge® cosmetic product is a drug for use in aesthetic medicine and cosmetology. Its production involves a unique technology of hyaluronic acid stabilization. Due to this, Avouge® biogels have a lasting and express aesthetic effect and promote deep skin hydration.

Due to the high concentration of hyaluronic acid and the use of LG Life Science's proprietary HESH-technology, Avouge® biogels are long retained by the dermis, fixed at the injection site, do not migrate into other tissues, and contribute to maximum prolongation of effects of contouring plastics.

Avouge® biogels are comparable with the most popular cosmetological brands in terms of their qualitative characteristics and lasting effects, while the reasonable prices make contouring plastics much more affordable for a wider range of patients.

The participation in InterCharm2014 is merely the beginning of Farmak's marketing activities towards cooperation with cosmetologists, and a kick-start for successful promotion of the new product line.

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