100 років якості Farmak
Nov 18, 2014

Farmak held MRI School Educational Event

In early November, Farmak JSC, a leader of domestic pharmaceutical industry, held Farmak MRT School 2014, a two-day Scientific and Practical Conference for Radiologists. This is the third event in this format organized by Farmak JSC.

One hundred and forty radiologists from all regions of Ukraine participated in the Conference where the best Ukrainian experts in Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) delivered their presentations. The MRI capabilities in diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases in adults and children were discussed at the Conference. The focus was on normal anatomy and congenial malformations, diagnosis of myocarditis. The Conference considered the specific aspects of MRI use in neuroradiology and musculoskeletal radiology in children, prenatal and postnatal diagnosis of brain anomalies.

In addition to theoretical part, 13 experts presented their practical cases within the framework of Farmak MRT School 2014.

Valeriy Yuschuk, Marketing Advisor, Farmak JSC, says, “Today, Farmak is the only company, which directs its activities for development of the specialists engaged in magnetic resonance imaging area. Besides the lectures, we also provide practical modules, where the speakers demonstrate nontrivial clinical cases from their own practical experience, within the framework of Farmak MRT School 2014.  Every case is discussed in detail by the participants of the School, which makes it possible to improve the practical skills.

Volodymyr Rogozhyn, President of Ukrainian Association of Radiologists, M.D., Director of Radiology Center at Borys Clinic, Medical Radiology Department, National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, says, “The problem of radiologists’ education has always been topical. Unlike the other companies, which close up their educational programs, Farmak continues to work in this direction. That is extremely significant”.

We should remind that this is the third MRI School organized by Farmak so far. The first two scientific and practical conferences were held in 2010 and 2012.

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